Previous studies have shown that personality traits, intelligence, and academic performance have an important impact on each other(Farsides T L, Woodfield R. 2003). Some people study the ‘big five personality’, openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, neuroticism and academic performance are related to each other, they find that people …show more content…
(university students) conscientiousness will directly affect their academic adaption, and further affect learning Status and academic performance(O Connor M C ,Paunonen S V. 2007). Connor and Paunonen showed that intelligence was also a significant predictor of academic performance and was positively correlated with academic performance (O Connor M C ,Paunonen S V. 2007). In another experiment, there was a significant negative correlation between responsibility and lack of intelligence. This paper attempts to explore the ‘Big Five personality’, especially the relationship between conscientiousness and academic performance, understand the correlation between personality traits and intelligence and academic performance, and the influence on academic performance variables.
In earlier studies, few studies suggested that personality was not associated with academic performance in the context of education. However more studies have repeatedly tested the neurotic extroversion, responsibility and academic performance of significant correlation(Kling K C. 2001). Some scholars review of the relationship between each dimension of the Big Five personality and academic performance, found more evidence to support the sense of openness, conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, extroversion and other factors and academic performance. In particular, a sense of conscientiousness (usually expressed as diligence reliability, self-discipline, etc.) and the academic performance of the strongest, most stable(Ackerman P L. 1999). In this feature, students with higher scores scored better than those with lower scores. Neuroticism is the opposite of emotional stability: students who are emotionally stable perform better than neurotic students.
The experience found that introversion was better than extroversion, and that they used good learning strategies to achieve good academic performance(Busato V V, Prins F J, Elshout J J, Hamaker C.
1999). In addition, there is no clear theoretical point of view that the factor agreeableness is a significant factor for academic performance. It is found that the relationship between conscientiousness and academic performance is the strongest and the most consistent(Petrides K V, Chamorro-Premuzic T, Frederickson N, Furnham A. 2005). Experience openness is positively correlated with academic performance, and the extraversion is negative correlated with academic performance. No significant correlation between other dimensions and academic performance was found(Schulze, R. & Roberts, R. D. 2006). Overall, the most consistent personality change with academic performance is the sense of conscientiousness, the impact of other dimensions on academic performance remains to be further
This diversity of conclusions in addition to the complexity of the problem itself, may also be related to research methods(Busato V V, Prins F J, Elshout J J, Hamaker C. 2000). Such as the study of the relationship between personality and academic performance is not a good rule out the impact of capacity or intellectual factors; may also be a single self-assessment scale to a certain extent, the impact of the accuracy and objectivity of the evaluation(Zhang L. 2003). The combination of Ravens APM tests combined with self-evaluation showed that the correlation between responsibility and academic performance was the strongest, and the correlation between personality and academic achievement was almost unchanged under the condition of partial elimination of cognitive ability, The Independent Effect of Achievement. Can be seen that personality is an important factor in individual learning achievement is good or bad.