This is what would be considered the “ordinary world” of the stereotypical hero. His brother, Tadashi, desires to convince Hiro to go to college and takes him to his university where Hiro becomes enthralled by the robotics lab; Hiro then meets Tadashi’s robotics project, Baymax, who is a “personal healthcare companion.” Hiro’s “call to adventure” occurs when he decides to apply for college at the showcase where he must create something that will amaze Professor Callaghan; this leads Hiro to build microbots which are attracted to others of their kind and can make anything using a neurocranial transmitter in the form of a headband. A man named Allistar Krei then offers to buy the bots from Hiro when Callaghan cuts in and says that he should not trust him. Hiro chooses not to sell them, receives his college acceptance letter, and then heads out of the university when it suddenly bursts into flames. Tadashi reenters the college to save Professor Callaghan who was left inside. The college explodes and both Tadashi and Callaghan die inside. Because of this, Hiro begins to “refuse the call” due to his grieving of Tadashi. The university continues to call for him to start classes, but eventually, the film shows Hiro throwing away his acceptance letter; immediately afterwards, he drops something on his foot which causes Baymax to
This is what would be considered the “ordinary world” of the stereotypical hero. His brother, Tadashi, desires to convince Hiro to go to college and takes him to his university where Hiro becomes enthralled by the robotics lab; Hiro then meets Tadashi’s robotics project, Baymax, who is a “personal healthcare companion.” Hiro’s “call to adventure” occurs when he decides to apply for college at the showcase where he must create something that will amaze Professor Callaghan; this leads Hiro to build microbots which are attracted to others of their kind and can make anything using a neurocranial transmitter in the form of a headband. A man named Allistar Krei then offers to buy the bots from Hiro when Callaghan cuts in and says that he should not trust him. Hiro chooses not to sell them, receives his college acceptance letter, and then heads out of the university when it suddenly bursts into flames. Tadashi reenters the college to save Professor Callaghan who was left inside. The college explodes and both Tadashi and Callaghan die inside. Because of this, Hiro begins to “refuse the call” due to his grieving of Tadashi. The university continues to call for him to start classes, but eventually, the film shows Hiro throwing away his acceptance letter; immediately afterwards, he drops something on his foot which causes Baymax to