Also, there is a strong inverse correlation between GPA and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Even from my own research on binge drinking, many colleges admitted that binge drinking does have a massive weight on their GPA. Most of them response was that don’t tend to focus much in class and they are always tired. Students who binge drinks excessive amounts also admitted to escaping class due to the hangover from excessive drinking. Missing class due to drinking puts heavyweights on GPA and it is one of the main reasons why so many college students have such a low GPA. From my own research, I found out that most of the college students drink between one time a week and just the weekends. Also, most half of the people from my research admitted skipping class due to binge drinking. Also, I wasn’t really surprised by my research results because I kind of had the expectations that many students would skip class due to binge …show more content…
From my own research, I was able to get a clear understanding of the percentage of students who admitted to getting involved in risky behavior. About 49 % student’s males and females admitted that once or twice they got involved in risky behavior due to excessive alcohol. In a sample survey of 1,472 first year college students’ males, 75 % of college students admitted that they drank before the sexual incident. Most of the time binge drinking leads to sexual assault, and alcohol- related assaults are much more severe than those that did not involve alcohol. Furthermore, about forty-seven percent of college undergraduate students who were raped or sexually assaulted thought their attacker was under excessive alcohol. Even from my own research, about 20 percent of the students admitted that they were sexually taken advantage of while under the influence of alcohol. However, on the same exact research, about 97.7 % of the students admitted that they have never sexually taken advantage of someone else while they were under the influence of