7 Multiple Choice (2.5pts. each) NOTE START AT 51 on scantron! 51.) A species-species interaction where both species benefit from the interaction is called: a.) Predation
b.) Amensalism
c.) Mutualism
d.) Competition 52.) Which of the following is required for two species to be competing? a.) Niches of two species overlap
b.) Two species occur in the same place
c.) A shared resource is limiting
d.) At least one population is increasing in abundance
53.) The above equation describes a.) Change in the abundance of a predator
b.) Change in the abundance of prey
c.) Change in the abundance of a competitor …show more content…
d.) Change in the abundance of a mutualist 54.) b in the above equation describes a.) The competitive effects of species 2 on species 1
b.) The birth rate of a prey species
c.) The birth rate of a competitor
d.) The conversion of prey into predator
55.) The above equation was proposed by a.) Gause
b.) Grinnel
c.) Whittaker
d.) Lotka and Volterra
56.) The above equation describes a.) Change in the abundance of a predator
b.) Change in the abundance of prey
c.) Change in the abundance of a competitor
d.) Change in the abundance of an herbivore 57.) The most common outcome of competition in natural situations is a.) An exclusion of one species
b.) Periodic oscillations of competing species
c.) A reduction in the abundance of competing species
d.) A high intrinsic rate of increase 58.) Predator prey models as presented in class generally result in a.) Oscillations in abundance between predator and prey
b.) Exclusion of the prey by the predator
c.) Exclusion of the predator by the prey
d.) Exclusion of both
59.) Predator prey systems in Nature tend not to follow the theoretical predictions of the modelpresented in class. What is one possible reason for this? a.) A type I functional response cannot be maintained by the predator, thus prey can escape regulation
b.) The time lag built into a type I numerical response
c.) A type II numerical response
d.) The type III functional response assumed by the model is not common in Nature 60.) The boundary between community types is termed an a.) Ecotone
b.) Deftone
c.) Ecocline
d.) Community schism 61.) Which description is true for most communities? a.) All species are common
b.) All species have approximately equal abundances.
c.) A few species are common and the remainder are rare
d.) All species are rare 62.) The main reason there are not many “top predators” in a community is a.) Predator-prey oscillations cannot be maintained
b.) Most predators are cannibals and limit their own populations
c.) Most top predators are regulated by their own predators
d.) There is little remaining energy to support top predators because of loss during trophic transfer
63.) Species richness at a particular site (not geographic region) is termed a.) Alpha diversity
b.) Beta diversity
c.) Gamma diversity
d.) Iota diversity 64.) An ecologist is studying three species of predatory forest Tiger beetles that specialize on caterpillars. He finds that one species tends to eat very small caterpillars, the second species eats mid-sized caterpillars, and the third large caterpillars. This may be an example of what ecological phenomena? a.) Host switching
b.) Niche partitioning
c.) The competitive exclusion principle
d.) A type I functional response 65.) This scientist wants to know if the species in question 64 are competing. Which of the following experiments would provide the best evidence to determine if these species are currently competing? a.) Putting prey species together and looking for character displacement
b.) Adding more prey and examining the functional response of each species to see if resources are limiting
c.) Putting all species in a container and seeing which survives
d.) Removing one species and determine if the size range of prey used by the other species expands
66.) The competition experiments conducted by Park on flour beetles (Tribolium) indicate that: a.) The outcome of competition is always the same
b.) Hiding places for one species of competitor can result in exclusion
c.) Environmental conditions can determine the outcome of competition
d.) By determining competition coefficients and carrying capacities for each species the outcome of competition can be accurately predicted 67.) Fertilizing a field results in increased plant biomass and numbers. In turn the increase in plants increases the number of herbivorous insects and the number of shrews feeding on the insects. This would be an example of a.) Top-down control of community structure
b.) Bottom-up control of community structure
c.) Density-dependent regulation
d.) Indirect control of community structure
68.) Which of the following is NOT a possible reason for the species-area relationship? a.) Larger areas contain a diversity of habitats
b.) Larger areas can support organisms requiring larger areas to maintain viable population sizes
c.) Larger areas have greater productivity and can support more tropic levels
d.) Larger areas have fewer extinctions 69.) The removal of pike from a lake causes an increase in competition between two species offish on which pike feed. This competition leads to the elimination of one species of fish. The loss of this species causes a proliferation of a zooplankton species on which it fed but the other competing fish did not. The pike in this example would be a a.) Intermediate species
b.) Commensalist
c.) Bottom-up controlling factor for community structure
d.) Keystone species 70.) Species richness tends to increase a.) With increasing latitude
b.) With decreasing latitude
c.) Where predation rates are low
d.) With increasing altitude Short Answer (5 pts) 71.) Define Community: A group of interacting (either directly or indirectly) species within a given area. \
Problems (12.5 pts ea.) 72.) A wildlife manager in Kenya wants to know if two species of herbivorous mammals that she is in charge of protecting, Thomson’s gazelle and Eland, could be housed in the same preserve. Previous research has shown that an area the size of the proposed preserve could house 150 gazelle or 100 Eland. The competitive effect of Eland on gazelle has been determined at 0.75 and that of Gazelle on Eland is 0.60. Can these species co-exist in the preserve?
Provide a graphical analysis to justify your answer labeling each intercept with the appropriate parameter and its value. Also label each isocline.
K(gazelle)/a=200 200
K(Eland) = 100
Abundance of Eland (N) 100
0 0 50 100 150 200 Abundance of Gazelle (N) K(Eland)/B =166.7 K(gazelle)=150
If the goal is to maintain 100 gazelle and 75 Eland in the preserve, is this possible? Why or why not? No, there is a stable equilibrium with about 25 Eland and 125 gazelle. All other combinations of abundances would tend to this point.
74. Problem 2 (12.5 pts.) The following data for freshwater mussels were collected at two different sites:
Jones Farm Site Site 212
Species # of individuals # of individuals
Fatmucket 10 47
Giant Floater 12 3
Pink Heelsplitter 15 0
Pistolgrip 3 0
Pocketbook 2 2
Threeridge 4 0
Fragile Papershell 8 0
What is the species richness for each site? Jones Farm = 7
Site 212 = 3 Calculate the Shannon diversity index H and Evenness (J) for each site. H Jones Farm = 1.76 H site 212 = 0.382
J Jones Farm = 0.91 J site 212 = 0.348 (Partial credit given for correct formulae) What is the β diversity between the two sites? 4
(n.b. 7 is incorrect, but accepted due to ambiguity in formula with regards to this example)
75. Short essay (10 pts) What mechanisms may explain the general increase in species diversity with decreasing latitude? Area, Time, and Energy. There is a large amount of area in tropical sub-tropical regions potentially supporting a greater number of species via species-area mechanisms, greater diversity of habitats and organisms requiring larger area (less likely over very large areas). Light energy is greater in equatorial regions due to the nearer to perpendicular angle of incidence. Greater energy results in higher productivity at lower latitudes which may be able to support more species. Tropical latitudes have been more stable over evolutionary time allowing a greater number of species to evolve (possibly also a higher rate of evolution).
76. Short essay (10 pts.) Compare and contrast the Clementsian (organismic) and Gleasonian(individualistic) hypotheses regarding structure. With which does the data most agree? Clements envisioned the community a highly interconnected functioning unit. Each species is largely dependent upon other species in the community. As such a community could be thought of as a “super-organism” composed of particular species with sharp boundaries or ecotones between communities. In contrast, Gleason viewed the community as a more or less random assemblage of species with similar abiotic tolerances. Species interacted but based more on their functional roles rather than particular species attributes. In general, gradient analyses, paleobiological studies and other data agree with the Gleasonian perspective.