On Saturday morning of the 24th of October, there was report by an employee of a homicide incident on 4011 N. Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ. University Center building on the 3rd floor of Arizona State University. The victim was describe as a 24 year old Caucasian female, by the name of Kelly; who works as a programs coordinator for Arizona State University. The victim was working late hours as usual on a Friday night, she was on her office cubical. The body was found laying on the floor in front of her desk chair, the body was facing up with three bullet wounds on her body; the location of the shots were one in right shoulder, right hip, and middle of the stomach.
Observations found in the crime scene were the chair was knocked over, the victim was facing up instead of facing down. There were bullet holes in the wallboard as well as the cabinetry and biological stains of the victim.
Information gathered about the victim she appeared to be talking to her mother while the incident happen, and it was not unusual seen her work late at night. Also, there was some information about five suspects that might have been involve in the homicide. Lisenbee Cayle S. Microbiology Professor, at the time of the murder he stated he was looking for money from students so he could buy another pint of beer, and was wearing blue t-shirt and jeans. Daydiff Patrick D. Microbiology Lecturer, at the time of the murder he stated he was drinking at Hooters and was hearing a blue button down shirt and black pants. Olson John P. Biology Professor, at the time of the murder he stated he was at an all night Chinese buffet, and was wearing blue flannel shirt and jeans. Houtchens Jason O. Chemistry Lecturer, at the time of the murder he was teaching Chemistry 101 lab, and was wearing a blue polo shirt and jeans. Waffle Debra A. Lab Technician, at the time of the crime scene she stated she was preparing for Microbiology 206 lab, and she was wearing blue lab coat and khaki pants.