INTRODUCTION Mutations can happen to all organism: human, plants, animals, even the bacteria, and also with the microbes. Mutations can be good or bad, it depends on what type of mutations happens to that organism. Mutations can happen anytime or anywhere. It can be control or occur naturally. According to M.S. Mendioro, R.P. Laude, A.A. Barrion, M.G.Q. Diaz, J.C. Mendoza, and D.A. Ramirez (2010), Mutations are changes in the genetic material that are heritable and essentially permanent. Mutations either may be spontaneous, or induced by physical or chemical agents. Mutations, in general, are classified as either chromosomal mutations or gene mutations. Induced mutation is mostly use by plant breeders to produce crops that has desirable traits, like resistant to diseases and insects. And to increase genetic variation of different species. Induced mutation can occur in different ways, like exposing the organism in a radiation, or by using chemical agents. Treatment using a radiation can induce point mutations (changes in a single nucleotide) or deletions (loss of a chromosomal segment). Corn is a grain domesticated by people during the ancient times. The plant has two types of flowers: staminate or the
Cited: Mendioro, M.S., R.P. Laude, A.A. Barrion, M.G.Q. Diaz, J.C. Mendoza and D.A. Ramirez. 2010. Genetics Laboratory Manual.12th ed. San Pablo City: 7 Lakes Printing Press. page 101. Ramirez, D.A., M.S. Mendioro and R.P. Laude. 2010. Lectures in Genetics. 9th ed. San Pablo City: 7 Lakes Printing Press. page 163.