DNA is a self-replicating material that is in almost all living organisms as the main part of chromosomes. Ribonucleic acid or RNA is a nucleic acid that is in all living cells. Its main role is to act as a messenger carrying instructions from DNA for controlling the synthesis of proteins. A mutation is a part of your genetic code that is changed. So your genetic code is made up of sections called codons and each codon is made up of three nucleotides. A genetic code is like a sentence. The mad cat ate the fat rat and the big bat. So this sentence would be your genetic code it all makes sense and isn't messed up anywhere. But let's say the mutation in frame error occurs which means that a section of the sentence is deleted but still makes sense. The mad cat ate the big bat. Without of frame errors it's not the codons or ‘words’ that get deleted it's the nucleotides or letters. The mad cat ate the tra tan dth ebi gba t. So now the sentence is intelligible and doesn't make any sense since the mutation took away fa from fat so the codons all mix and squish together to fill that gap. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is caused by a defective gene that produces dystrophin. it sometimes occurs in people without a family history of Duchenne. Meiosis is a process where a single cell divides twice to make four cells that only have half the original amount of genetic information. These cells are our sex cells; sperm in males, eggs in females. …show more content…
One of the newest or more recent is CRISPR. CRISPR is a technology that was stumbled upon. This new treatment goes to the DNA strand and sees and identifies the mutation, cuts out the mutation, and replaces it with new, wanted DNA. clinical trials have successful phases. First, there is the observational phase. This phase tests health outcomes to better understand the disease. This phase happens without the use of a new drug. In phase 0 they study how the new drug moves through the body they only give small doses at a time. Phase 1 tests if the new drug is safe on a small group of people and determines the best way to dose it. In phase 2 they test the drug on a medium sized group and then they make the final decision of whether it's safe or not. If the drug passed phase 2 they go on to phase 3. In phase 3 they test the drug on a large group of people and look for side effects. Phase 4 studies the drug to understand the good and the bad with long term use. Prednisone is a prescription drug. Prednisone is a steroid. It can treat many diseases and conditions like hypercalcemia, latex allergy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, asthma and much more. Prednisone drug class is