OCT 1, 2014
BIO 101 Module 4 Case
1. Explain what a genetic mutation is and the difference between inherited mutations versus point mutations.
According to the Genetics Home Reference (2014), a gene mutation is a permanent change in the DNA sequence within a given gene (Par. 1). These mutations can vary greatly as they range in size. There are two main ways in which these mutations can occur. They are referred to as inherited mutations and point mutations. An inherited mutation is a gene mutation which is passed through family or generations (Par. 6). For example, a parent and child may both exhibit signs of an inherited gene mutation. A point mutation, however, is a gene mutation which is the replacement of a single base nucleotide with another nucleotide. This type of mutation does not need to be passed down through family.
2. Describe how the technology explained in "Cracking Your Genetic Code" can be used to detect mutations and predict your health.
The assigned video for this module provided a useful overview of gene mutations as well as the technology being used today to help us detect mutations early on. One such form of technology is known as shifted termination assay which detects genetic mutations in polymerase chain reaction in tissue samples. This technology is very helpful as it allows us to predict our future health. Although we still have much to learn in the area of gene mutations, we can at least be better prepared for what lies ahead after learning that the condition exists. It is important that we continue to develop technology in this area as it will improve our overall health in the United States and advance our medicine to new levels. Both are crucial as we continue to face complicated human genetic conditions such as cancer.
3. Form an opinion on whether or not you support utilizing genetic mapping to develop personalized medical treatment. Find evidence to support your opinion and cite your sources.
References: “Human Genome Project Produces Many Benefits”. (2011). National Human Genome Research Institute. Retrieved from “What is Gene Mutation and How do Mutations Occur?” (2014). Genetic Home Reference. Retrieved from