Establishing parks and restoring the habitats these species are already in, highly impacts the recuperation of biodiversity. Biodiversity Parks allow the species to live in there natural habitats without a constant threat from humanity. Establishing parks are perfect ways to stop the attack on biodiversity mainly for the reason of the protection received, thus allowing the abundance of species to grow and regenerate without the constant abuse from humans. Restoring the habitats gives all species there natural environment back needed for the species to grow, for example creating new homes, re supplying there food sources, and so on. With biodiversity parks the variety of species have to work with what they are given, unlike restoring there habitats species have an abundance amount of land to roam in.
To rebuild biodiversity there is a cost to be paid for, it does not come free. A biodiversity park is provided funding by local governments to be established, the expenses can range from the land, the maintenance of the