|Cognitive Therapy |Behavioral experiments are performed. This |This technique would be effective with someone |…
Leahy, R. L. (2003) Cognitive therapy techniques: A practitioner’s guide. New York, NY: Guilford Press.…
| |specific mind investigation technique that usually |work with the client to identify what causes dysfunctional|beliefs, leading to the understanding of dysfunctional |…
theories that have been used to help people with this disease is cognitive therapy, which surprises…
because it combines medical and biological aspects of a patient to physically treat the certain…
As a preceptor, it is important to integrate the learning theories into practice, to develop student’s cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains based on Bloom’s taxonomy (Bloom, 1956). In this stage, different theories were involved, such as cognitive learning theory, behavioral learning theory and social learning theory. Cognitive learning theory focuses on the thought processes and learning is viewed as the acquisition of new information (Goldstein, Naglieri & Devries, 2011). The individual learns by listening, watching, touching, reading, or experiencing and then processing and memorizing the information (Schunk, 2010). However, behavioral learning theory learn though a continual process of stimulating and reinforcing a desired response, eventually the behavior is changed to match the desired response (Bower &Hilgard, 1981). Behavioral learning theory recognizes that learning has taken place by a change in behavior; it regards all behavior as a response to stimulus (Hand, 2006). Behavioral learning theory involves positive and negative reinforcement, which reflects in operant conditioning. Operant conditioning developed by Skinner, emphasized on using positive reinforcement to enhance good performance, or using negative reinforcement to eliminate bad behavior, which leads to achievement of learning…
In this conceptualization and treatment plan, the client’s presenting problems will be discussed in detail including symptoms and diagnosis. All disclosed problem areas for the client are described including, depression and anxiety. Cognitive behavioral theory is explained including the theory’s core concepts and key elements. Cognitive behavioral theory is utilized as the theory of choice throughout the treatment plan and conceptualization. The goals and interventions utilized are outlined also utilizing cognitive behavioral theory techniques. The goals for this client and treatment plan include; In conclusion the expected outcome of each intervention utilized is disclosed and all other challenges of the entire process are given.…
Terry, 2009 in his book explains that there are four different approaches to the study of learning such as the functional approach, the behavioral approach, the cognitive approach and the neuroscience. The functional approach is the one that evolve utilization of learning in memory for survival. In this case, an animal that is brought for example from a tropical temperature to a cold one will adapt to the new conditions in order to survive. Another example is the one of hogs. In the winter time, they form groups of five to ten hogs and sleep together in order to heat one another. The behavioral approach is also observable on animals. Dogs for example when they are been trained improve better when a reward is given to them. Every time they do what the trainer expect them to do, they get a treat. This approach focuses on the relationship between a behavior, a stimulus and the response to the stimulus. Another approach to the study of learning is the cognitive approach. This approach focuses on the process of learning. This approach is used by students to store and retrieve information. For example, to remember Integrated Chemistry Technology, students use (ICT). The last approach to leaning is the neuroscience one. This approach focuses on what happens in the mind during the learning process. The neuroscience is kind of the biological part of the process which explains how the mind deal with the information…
The four psychological treatments for physical disorders are relaxation training, biofeedback, meditation, and hypnosis. Relaxation training is how one is taught to relax their muscles at any given point and time. One can experience a reduction in feelings of anxiety (Comer, 2011). Biofeedback is where one is connected to machinery that gives them continuous readings about their involuntary body activities (Comer, 2011). Meditation…
This might involve managing stress and improving performance. Hypnotherapy is a particularly efficient way of encouraging patients to re-assess their beliefs as they grow their awareness of how their beliefs influence their interaction with the world around them. The RECBH methodology is an inherently positive one, as it emphasises personal emotional responsibility and also that change is very much possible An ABC model can encourage patients to focus on the belief rather than…
There is a natural relationship between men and women. They have their individual roles and position in the society. These roles and positions of men and women are not written in verbatim in any book of law. Instead they are manifested in the culture of the society with various external factors that can be influenced by society’s religion, political, geographical and others. These societal roles are passed on from generation to generation and reflected through literary works. The works of the writers collected from various stories are replica of the actual scenes that happen in the society. The men and women from the past are understood by the books written. Throughout time, gender positions and roles have been changing. These changes can be seen through various works throughout history.…
Throughout this course I have taken great interested in Cognitive Behavioral Theory or (CBT) which was developed in the 1960s by Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck. CBT is a therapeutic technique that underlies with other different theories, which also focused on the “here and now”. Put simply, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy changes one’s dysfunctional behaviors and/or thoughts to more realistic and healthy ones. This type of therapy encompasses a number of therapies focusing on the impact of an individual’s thinking as it conveys to expressed behaviors.…
It is a form of approach where the patient is put to a relax state in order to search the origin of the problem or what causes the patient to undergo therapy. This approach is applicable to traumatic patients causing disorder or symptomatic problem that are visible behaviorally. Undergoing this procedure the root of trauma is exposed and now can be subject to psychotherapy.…
Another Form of DBT used to treat BPD patients is teaching them to change their tendency to over react to their emotions, by doing the exact opposite of that emotion. For example; if they feel depressed and want to stay in bed all day, they should get up and go for a walk, therefore changing the scenery. It is also important with BPD patients to get enough sleep regularly and maintain a healthy diet. (51)…
It is widely known that unhelpful thinking in the form of dysfunctional beliefs and/or cognitive distortions is just like any other automatically occurring bad habit; with practice and effort, people can become more aware of what is happening in their minds and change how they are thinking for the better. Cognitive restructuring therapy, also known as cognitive reframing, is a technique drawn from cognitive therapy that can help people identify, challenge and alter stress-inducing thought patterns and beliefs. The end goal of cognitive restructuring is to enable people to replace stress-inducing thought habits with more accurate and less rigid (and therefore less stress-inducing) thinking habits. However as suggest cognitive restructuring was…