Psychotherapy Matrix
Select three psychotherapy approaches to summarize. Include examples of the types of psychological disorders appropriate for each therapy.
|Psychoanalysis |Behavior Therapy |Cognitive Therapies |
|Summary of |Developed by Sigmund Freud, psychoanalysis is a method of |Behavior therapy is based off the philosophical theory of |Cognitive therapy aims to help the client solve problems |
|Approach |psychotherapy in which psychotherapists work with clients |behaviorism, or the belief that behaviors are the direct |by finding and changing dysfunctional thinking, behavior, |
| |to recognize psychological functioning and behavior. It |manifestation of psychological matters. That being said, |and emotions. It often develops skills for changing your |
| |can be used to inspect the mind, hypothesize about human |behavior therapy aims to modify or condition learning, |beliefs, relating to others, and changing behaviors. The |
| |behavior, and treat psychological illnesses. It is a |responses, and other forms of behavior. Psychotherapists |psychotherapist works with the client to identify and test|
| |specific mind investigation technique that usually |work with the client to identify what causes dysfunctional|beliefs, leading to the understanding of dysfunctional |
| |involves the client lying on a couch, unable to see the |behaviors and how to change those behaviors. |thinking. |
| |psychotherapist. Psychoanalysis works primarily to | | |
| |explore the unconscious mind through the