Appendix D
Psychotherapy Matrix
Directions: Review Module 36 of Psychology and Your Life. Select three approaches to summarize. Include examples of the types of psychological disorders appropriate for each therapy.
|{Insert type of therapy approach} |{Insert type of therapy approach} |{Insert type of therapy approach} |
|Summary of |Behavioral Treatment Approach: treatment approaches that |Cognitive Treatment Approach: treatment approaches that |Cognitive-Behavioral Approach: a treatment approach that |
|Approach |build on the basic process of learning, such as |teach people to think in more adaptive ways by changing |incorporates basic principles of learning to change the |
| |reinforcement and extinction, and assume that normal and |their dysfunctional cognitions about the world and |way people think. |
| |abnormal are both learned. |themselves. | |
|Disorders |Good Behavior is maintained by reinforcement and unwanted |Cognitive Therapy is a treatment for a number of mental |Cognitive-Behavioral Approach is used for people that |
|appropriate |behavior can be eliminated by punishment. For this type |disorders such as: Alzheimer’s disease, Social Phobia, |suffer Anxiety Disorders, Mood Disorders, Insomnia |
|for this |of problem in the disorder, a psychological disorder that |Personality Disorders, Eating Disorders, Anger Management |Disorders, and Severe Mental Disorder. This approach can |
|therapy |is appropriate for this category would be ADHD/ADD |Problems, and Mood Disorders. |also be used as a mood stabilizer to treat conditions like|