According to Simply Psychology, “Rogers believed that people are inherently good and creative. They become destructive only when a poor self-concept or external constraints override the valuing process” (McLeod). This means that self-concepts and external things get in the way of people being good. Without the outside factors, everyone would be and do good. Therefore, the therapy focuses on making people who they want to be, and eliminating poor self-concepts and outside factors that hinder them from being the person that they want to be. There are several differences between humanistic psychotherapy and psychoanalytic therapy. The humanistic psychotherapy promotes personal growth as compared to the psychoanalytic which seeks to cure mental illness. Also, the humanistic psychotherapy focuses on the conscience and how people can take responsibility for what is happening. The next therapy that is discussed is Behavior Therapy. Behavior Therapy was created by B.F. Skinner and Ivan Pavlov. This type of therapy uses conditioning and applies it to …show more content…
According to the Foundation for Cognitive Therapy, “In Cognitive Behavior Therapy, the therapist and the client work together as a team to identify and solve problems. Therapists help clients overcome their difficulties by changing their thinking, behavior, and emotional responses” (“What”). This type of therapy focuses on helping people get used to overcoming their problems by changing their situation. The four types of therapy discussed in the chapter help show how the area of therapy has developed over the years. It also helps show that different types of therapy can help different types of people or situations. It is important to have multiple ways of helping people, because all people are different and may not react to the therapy in the same way. Having different types of therapy helps the patient have control over their treatment, and get the treatment that they think they need. This will help them not to be forced into something that they do not want to