I told him the truth. I told him how I knew he was a demigod. He told me that all he did was save a lightning bolt. I realized that he was in the beginning of the Sea of Monsters the second book of the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series. He said that he was going to Camp Half-Blood and asked me to come and drop him off. He said it was near-by. I called Cydney and Percy led the way. When we reached there, I didn’t notice the sign and went through it. Percy stared at Cydney and me like we were aliens. Some guy with horse legs came and asked Percy who we were? Suddenly, a symbol appeared over my head. I saw that Cydney had the same symbol. The guy that had horse legs bellowed, “ All hail the daughters of
I told him the truth. I told him how I knew he was a demigod. He told me that all he did was save a lightning bolt. I realized that he was in the beginning of the Sea of Monsters the second book of the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series. He said that he was going to Camp Half-Blood and asked me to come and drop him off. He said it was near-by. I called Cydney and Percy led the way. When we reached there, I didn’t notice the sign and went through it. Percy stared at Cydney and me like we were aliens. Some guy with horse legs came and asked Percy who we were? Suddenly, a symbol appeared over my head. I saw that Cydney had the same symbol. The guy that had horse legs bellowed, “ All hail the daughters of