
Biological Concepts Of Race

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Biological Concepts Of Race
Biological concepts of race are indeed problematic. The problem stems from the fact that there has never been a discovery of single defining characteristic they could possible distinguish different people into biological races and probably never will; as it most likely does exist. The essay will be a meditation on this idea of race. There will be a particular focus on how race is a cultural construction and the problems that presets with this both in a scientific and social context of each. The main goal of the paper can best be summarized as: an examination of how race is constructed within societies and how this phenomenon effects individual based on their assigned race in a community. The focus will start with the biological side of things, …show more content…
It is observed across a multitude of cultures, and the bases for these categories of race can be both similar and very to Americans ideas. Our lecture notes provide the following example, “Under the Jim Crow laws in the American South, people who had ‘one-drop’ of African blood were consider ‘black’. This notion is absurd to most North Americas today.” (Dr. Koziol 2018:8). These Jim Crow laws was the bias of segregation with an idea implied in the society mind that one group was better than another, allowing for segregation. Mixed unions bettwen someone constructed as black and white would be consider black. This type of thinking of racial superiority is a negative to the anthropological effort, as the type of thinking in the field would result in itself contradicting itself. As to imply that any race is better or even act differently form an anthropological view, will instantly discredit itself for supporting social constructed idea are biological realities. Though race is a social construction and I myself have stated it is fictitious, as seen with the segregation and the Jim Crow laws race is very much a factor many society. With so much focus on America I will now shift the focus of race onto other areas of the world and review some examples how races is both explained similarly and …show more content…
To their appearance of being “black”, the people within the US often referred to these individuals as black even though they were also another fictitious category Hispanic, but were previously perceived as “white” in their previous country. This highlights the reason why something like race does not truly exist within the biological sense for humans, as again it follows no particular pattern across all society; rather it remains a social construction within societies. With cultures crossing it can also become problematic with how people interact with each other. There is an obvious sense of confusion with the recently immigrated people form the Latin American countries. There new neighbors label them a race that they did not identify as back home; there is clearly a difference in how each side respectively categories the social construction that is race. With this difference of perception of race, it may come with difference in societal expectation among the group from each

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