To begin with, biology is the study of living organisms, divided into many specialized field, such as Zoology (the study of animals) and Microbiology (the study of microscopic organisms). These technicians study living organisms and their relationship to the environment. They perform research to gain better understanding of fundamental life processes and apply that understanding to developing new products or processes. Research can be broken down into two categories: basic and applied. Basic research is conducted without any intended aim; the goal is simply to expand on human knowledge. While applied research is directed towards solving a particular problem.
Secondly, most biologists spend their time in laboratories conducting research and in offices writing up results and keeping up with the latest research discoveries. “Some biological scientists, particularly botanists, ecologists, and zoologists, do field studies that involve strenuous physical activity and primitive living conditions for extended periods of time” (Bureau of Statistics). Biological technicians in the field may work in warm or cold climates, in all kinds of weather. Biological scientists usually are not exposed to unsafe or unhealthy conditions. Those who work with dangerous organisms or toxic substances in the laboratory must follow strict safety procedures to avoid contamination.
I like this career because of the great job outlook it has. “Employment of biological technicians is