Section 33
Yeast Cell Respiration
Part B: Explanation of Results
All cells carry out the process of cell respiration in order to meet their energy needs. It is advantageous for cells to have the ability to metabolize different substrates. In this experiment, we investigated each sugar’s (glucose, lactose, sucrose, fructose, and lactose/lactaid) cell respiration rate. When referring to my group’s graph and data, glucose ended up with the highest respiration rate (1,177.2 ppm/min), but sucrose did reach the highest ppm at 300 seconds with 6,870 ppm. This outcome makes sense to me, knowing about CO2 release from cellular respiration, when thinking that glucose is made when your body breaks down starches and sucrose is table sugar. When referring to the graph and data table of the class average, everyone’s data remained relatively the same, with the exception of the sugar Lactose, which had a drastically lower ppm/min for each group. This sugar basically did nothing during the lab experiment, while glucose, sucrose, and fructose (when used) produced the higher amounts of carbon dioxide. Even though not all groups experimented with sucrose, fructose, or lactose/lactaid, the five respiration rates (excluding lactose) ended up with similar rates (ppm/min) When the data was collected during the experiment it was done in seconds, not in minutes, but the average respiration rates for my group data and all of Table #2 were converted to ppm/min due to the modified class average data table given to us by our lab T.A. The error bars on the class average graph indicate how close the calculated mean of the set of values is to the mean of the entire population of these values. This graph shows that the reliability of each sugar’s average respiration rate is in good standing and is close to its’ calculated mean, but glucose and sucrose demonstrate a large fluctuation. Our results indicate that yeast has the ability to