Historically, reconstruction engineering may be reproduced back to build up and making progress of practical limbs. Functional prosthesis could be considered the cornerstone and the backbone of reformation robotics. The earliest functional prosthesis found has been the Cairo toe which is found in a tomb close to one of the oldest cities the city of Thebes [Clements, 2008]; depend on how the flax or the toile threads were whirled, from 1295 to 664 B.C, the Cairo toe is considered a practical limbs by reason of it is slaughtered in three points as well wear. The toe was found connected to the foot of the mummy of a woman in the midst of 50 and 60 years old.
Bionic limbs promoted from usual joints to the need of springs and releases. One of these limbs was a hand made of iron for Götze Von Berlichingen.
Figure 1: Iron hand designed by Amboise Pare [scienceblogs.com]
In 1868 Gustav Hermann used aluminium instead of steel as it lighter also it is more useful and practical to make artificial limbs. In 1912, a well-known English pilot who called Marcel Desoutter, lost his leg in an aircraft accident and made the first aluminium limb. In 1965, HARDIMAN was developed by the US Department and General Electric to help the wearer to lift 1,500 lbs [Bouge, 2009]. [History and Future of Rehabilitation Robotics].
Prosthetic limbs are composed of three essential factors: firstly the socket which is the fuse between the limb and the mechanical support