MS. Goerl
English Comp 1 Spring Session 1
26 April 2011
Cause and Effects of Birth Control in Schools
The supplying of birth control by means of condoms has been a rather heated subject for several years. Whether or not to supply such form of birth control and how to go about educating about this and other forms of birth control in schools have been debated by many. As well as whether or not to integrate giving out condoms in health and sexual education classes or to have the school nurse give them out instead upon request. According to CBS news healthwatch article dated November 1, 2007 a poll conducted by
Associated Press stated that 67% supported the giving out of contraceptives to students. It was also stated that less than 1% of middle schools and nearly 5% of high schools make condoms available for students at the time of the publishing of the article. The main cause that condoms would be given out in school would be due to the ever growing teen pregnancy rates in the U. S. today. According to the Guttmacher Institute January 2010 report page
2 key findings on pregnancy rates within the U.S. stated that in 2006 was 41.9 births per 1,000 women aged 15- 19 years of age. This was 32% lower than the peak rate of 61.8, reached in 1991, but 4% higher than in 2005 just one year prior. Peer pressure that is felt by many young women in school is caused by the subject of premarital
Sex. Whether by their female peer, or boyfriends. Young women today face so much peer pressure to fit
In and this of course includes sex. There probably has yet to be a day that goes by when at least one
young woman feels pressured into sex in any form. Other things that are always needed to be considered of course whether in a school setting or not will always be the subject of STD’s as well as
STI’s. Of course usually at school age many young people do not even think about these concerns let
Citations: 1. CBS News HealthWatch Article dated November 1, 2007 2. Guttmacher Institute Report January 2010