Due to the escalating spread of sexually transmitted diseases throughout the country, the College Administration at County College has decided to install condom dispensers in all campus restrooms in an attempt to prevent and decrease the transmission of STD’s. HIV/AIDS is the specific deadly disease that the college is mostly concerned about. Although this decision has caused a great deal of controversy among the county college community, the installation of condom dispensers is a positive way to prevent and to raise awareness of diseases that are infecting and killing millions of people each day. HIV/AIDS prevention theorists believe that “increased knowledge, along with positive attitudes and beliefs about HIV/AIDS, will lead to positive behavior changes” (UNT Digital Library). Although some may argue that not everyone will utilize the condom dispensers, they will certainly increase the students’ awareness of the importance of using them; thus influencing the behavior of the students. If the students are constantly reminded that the use of condoms can prevent such deadly diseases every time they use the restroom, they will then become conditioned to use this form of protection, the same way that they have been conditioned to use seat belts in a car. These college students, whom are generally eighteen and older, will become more and more familiar with the idea of protection and safe sex due to the presence of condom machines.
Studies show that condoms are the most effective way of reducing the risk of sexually transmitted diseases and the HIV/AIDS infection, so why not make condoms available for a community of students that are mostly sexually active? If students had access to condoms everyday, the escalating spread of sexually transmitted diseases will slowly decrease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2010 there were 9,765
Cited: Fischer, David. "The New Magic Machines." U.S. News & World Report 120.11 (1996): 60-64. Print. Ambacher, Richard. Semantics: Arriving at Meaning. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Pub., 1993. Print.