My name is Kimberly feusi and I interviewd two women who gave birth in different decades, one woman in 1983 and the second women in 2006, both women gave birth in the United States, Sacramento. I’m researching prenatal care, and birthing experiences, to see how times have changed and to see if some things have stayed the same. I interviewd Vickie first she gave birth on the 5th of October 1983 and her experience was different from Ann Marie who gave birth on the 5th of January 2006. Vickie was sixteen at the time of her first birthing experience and she was offered classes to show her how to care for a new baby, she took those classes, but Ann Marie was 16 too at the time of her first birthing experience and not offered any classes for her first birthing experience in 2006, but I looked up some resources …show more content…
and if you want to take classes for lamas class or labor and delivery and also a class to teach you about caring for a baby; you would have to ask your doctor for information regarding those classes.
Vickie had prenatal vitamins throughout her pregnancy and Ann Marie had prenatal vitamins as well so that has stayed the same as times have changed. The prenatal vitamins are free and are given to you by your doctor. Vitamins are important to take during and after pregnancy, vitamins are helping the baby get certain vitamins that the mother don’t pass to the baby and it’s also good for the mother to get some of the vitamins that the baby takes from the mother. Vickie had a simple pregnancy, she had some nausea during early pregnancy but if went away within the next couple months. Ann Marie had nausea just about the whole pregnancy and heart burn really bad the whole 9 months and Vickie no heart burn. Ann Marie said the only heart medication she could take was Tums, and Ann Marie said it didn’t work. The doctor prescribed her something else but it didn’t help at all. She stated that after child birth she had no more heart burn. She was happy that is the only thing about being pregnant that she did not enjoy at all.
Prenatal visits have stayed the same during 1983 and 2006; prenatal visits are once a month until you get to the last month of your pregnancy, unless you have complications and need to be seen more often.
Both parent had to have blood work done and test to make sure both baby and mother were healthy. Ann Marie had ultra sounds done at certain months and she remembers that when you are at 20 weeks most doctors can tell you what you are having, she found out she was having a girl and she got lots of pitchers of her baby girl. Prenatal visits are important and are given to you to help keep you, and the baby healthy and to follow how your baby is growing. Vickie did not get to pick her own doctor; her doctor was picked for her. Ann Marie got to choose her doctor and get to have a tour of the hospital, and Ann Marie had a good relationship with her doctor. Some times in this decade you are not always able to pick your own doctor but most of the prenatal women have that
option. In 1983 home births weren’t offered to women but you could have a home birth if you went out on your own and picked your midwife and paid for it yourself. Doctors do not recommend home births, they frown upon home births due to the dangers of having problems and there is no medical reinforcement available right away; the book says home delivery has always been popular in certain industries nations, like England Netherlands, and Sweden, and the numbers have risen in the American women during 1970’s and 1980’s; it’s not something that was offered by doctors. Hospital deliveries have more life-saving treatments available if needed. During labor Vickie wasn’t offered pain medication and she do not remember if it was because they just didn’t want to give it to her because she was young and they wanted her to feel the pain so that she might think twice before having another baby, or if it was just simply because it was too late. Now Ann Marie was offered pain medication called epidural in 2006. She was also16 to at the time she had her first baby and the nurses were making remarks to her about having a baby at a young age. Vickie was able to smoke during labor in the room in 1983 wow that’s just crazy because now and days you are not supposed to smoke during pregnancy nor after if you’re going to breastfeed, and let alone in a hospital and you are not even supposed to smoke within so many feet of the hospital doors. Times were different back then but I’m glad that rules have changed because I would really hate to be in a hospital especially having a baby or with my new baby and someone is smoking. Ann Marie don’t smoke, smoking causes a lot of health problems.
Natural child birth don’t mean pain free, natural child birth means pushing a baby out of your vigina, and if someone says I didn’t have a natural child birth they probly mean they had a C-section. Vickie had a natural child birth with her first few children, and the last few children she had a C-section. Ann Marie had a natural child birth. Not everyone has natural child births, some can have one and then with the next baby something might be going on and it has to be a C-section and it’s not something the mother has done or could have changed it is just something nature dose, and it’s not bad to have a C-section it’s just longer recovery and a scar and a little more pain for an extra few days. Vickie was in labor for about 12 hours and not in too much pain till the last few hours, Ann Marie was in labor for about 8 Hours but didn’t have very much pain she said her pain level was about a 7 when she started to push, her pain tolerance was high. The doctors offered her pain medication but she did not want it; it wasn’t pain full enough for pain medication. During child birth Vickie who had her baby in 1983 and Ann Marie who had her baby in 2006 were not offered any child birth positions. Different positions are offered in child birthing centers and at home births, even water births are available at the birthing center and home births but hospital in California have maybe one or two water births in the hospital but I did some research and the doctor said mainly in Sacramento water births don’t happen due to only having one tub and so many mother want to use it, and the doctor said they do not want to get in a tub and sit in all the mess and deliver a baby. So if you want a water birth you have to go to a birthing center or have a home birth.
Vickie gave birth to a 8lb baby girl and they didn’t put the baby on her chest they cleaned up the baby then gave her the baby for a little bit and then they did testing on the baby, she couldn’t remember what the names of the test were but they did all kinds of test to make sure baby is healthy and to make sure the baby has no medical problems. I asked Vickie if they took did the foot prints and hand prints of her baby and she said no, they didn’t offer the pitcher program, were you can have pitchers taken and you had to pay for them. They didn’t offer that at that time. Ann Marie gave birth to a 8lb baby girl and they put the baby on her chest for a few minutes then cleaned the baby up gave back to her and let her breast feed and then they did the foot prints of the baby and then did some standard testing to make sure the baby was healthy and had no medical problems, and they did a hearing test as well, the next day a lady came by the room and asked her and her husband if they would like to have pitchers taken and they will be delivered within 3 weeks and you had to pay first.
For delivery you have your own room, while in labor and after for a bit. Vickie had her own room during labor, and after for a little bit then they transferred her to a room with another woman, Vickie said she didn’t have anyone with her during or after childbirth she said she felt alone, and Vickie said it was not the best idea to share a room with another woman, the other mother have given her baby up for Adoption and didn’t want to be bothered by anyone nor she did not want to see her baby, and Vickie who had her baby with her at all times unless she was to go to sleep felt kind of weird cause she had her baby, and she was talking and singing to and feeding her baby. While you have a mother next to you, who don’t have her baby Vickie, felt sad. Ann Marie had her own room too while in labor, Ann Marie had her mother and husband and a friend in the room while giving birth, and she was able to video tape the birth of her baby. Then sometime after child birth Ann Marie had shared a room with another woman and it was not that bad she was polite and nice and quit. I did some research on the room sharing because I’m going to have a baby and I wanted to see if I could get my own room, and the doctor said no but in the year 2014 they will be done building the hospital downtown and that hospital will have enough space and patients will have their own private room after delivery. Vickie and Ann Marie were taught how to breastfeed and bottle feed after child birth, which is a nice thing to do but Vickie didn’t breast feed for long due to the heavy smoking and drug use. Ann Marie breast feed for a while but could keep up with the baby demand since she was a working mom and going to school and the breast feeding support team didn’t tell her about pumping and storing the milk. For me I am pregnant and I was told about the pumping and storing the milk in the freezer and that last up to 2 years and since I work a lot I’m going to pump when I’m not able to breast feed and store it, I would like to breast feed up until my baby can drink regular milk. I’m not going to formula feed unless I am told I have to. And I learned about this information through a program for mother and fathers called WIC. Vickie stayed in the hospital for 3 days after child birth and Ann Marie stayed till noon the next day. Vickie had 8 other children, and she said every child birth was different and she had family with her while giving birth to her other children, she was very happy and wouldn’t change anything about the birth of her children. Ann Marie had a couple more children as well and she said her birthing experience was different every time but ones that she will never forget because she loves giving birth.
I’m glad I got to interview different women from different times for child birthing experience; it has shown how times have changed and how something’s have stayed the same over the Time period.