1. Perform the following conversions
a. 1Gb to bytes = (1024x1024x1024) / 8
b. 1GB to bits = 1024x1024x1024x8
c. 3TB to MB = 3x1024x1024
d. 8192b to KB = (8192 / 1024) / 8
e. 3GB to bits = 3x1024x1024x1024x8
f. 1024GB to TB = 1024 / 1024
2. Do you notice any relationship between the numbers represented by K, M, G and T?
Yes, each multiple step is a factor of 1024 to the next in binary (not decimal).
3. What comes after Tera? How much is a Yotta? Use Google to find out.
After Tera comes Peta or Petabyte (PB) which is 1,125,899,906,842,624 bytes.
A Yotta (Yottabyte (YB)) is 4 factors higher than Tera, i.e. Tera, Peta, Exa, Zetta, Yotta. It is 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 bytes
4. Perform the following conversions:
Example: 2048 bytes into kilobytes = 2KB
a. 1048576 bytes into kilobytes = 1024KB
b. 800b into bytes = 100B
c. 1MB into kilobytes = 1024KB
d. 3GB into megabytes = 3072MB
e. 1024GB into terabytes = 1TB
f. ½ Terabyte into gigabytes = 512GB
5. Describe some of the problems that can be experienced with keyboards during use and the possible solutions.
Dirt, food and foreign matter can get beneath the keys and cause them to stick or lock. Shaking and tapping the keyboard while it is upside down may loosen the debris. Using a low power vacuum or an air blower may also be effective.
Spilling liquids on the keyboard can cause it to short at worst, and if it is a sugary liquid it will make the keys sticky, which could attract dust etc… to stick to it.
6. What problems does a ball mouse suffer from?
Unlike an optical mouse the ball mouse has several moving parts which gather dust and debris from the atmosphere and surface against which it is rolled. Over time this builds up causing the ball and small wheels inside the mouse to skip or jump, resulting in the screen pointer to function poorly i.e. not moving or jumping and stuttering across the screen. The mouse is