Groep/group: MSM3D
Tutor: Ronald Dikkeboom
Proble statement: How can Brown Bag Films apply strategic management in order to stay competitive (to be on top) for the next 12 years?
Brown Bag Films has an aim, to be still competitive and on the top about 12 years. This aim also needs a strategy. Brown Bag films can use the strategic planning process to set up the strategy:
1. Select the mission and the goals.
To be still competitive on the top about 12 years
2. Analyze the opportunities and threats of the company (external)
Other companies are growing and are innovative. Also groupthink can be a threat.
New technologies can be an opportunity to innovate.
3. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses (internal)
The creativity is the strength of this company. Weaknesses are that they don’t innovate anymore and that there is not a goal anymore.
4. Search strategies that fit with the opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses of the company.
Brown Bag films need to use the new technologies, so that they stay innovative. Also the convergence of the media is important. Brown Bag Films could use more than one medium at a time.
5. Implement the strategies
To set up this planning, Brown Bag Films could use the models to review their company. Some models that fit with Brown Bag Films are: SWOT, PESTEL, The five forces and Groves strategic vision model .
CBL case 1
Learning goal 1 A. What is strategic management?
B. Explain the strategic management process?
Source 1: (C.Hill, 2010) & (Küng, 2008)
Source 2: (Dikkeboom, 2013)
Antwoord (in eigen woorden en beperkt in omvang):
A. A strategy is a set of related actions that managers take to increase their company’s performance. With these actions they want to reach a goal, to increase the performance of the company. The actions are the strategy to reach the goal.
The importance of strategic management is to avoiding wanting be everything, to create value that