First two chapters …show more content…
From journey, black elk had a feelings that he different from others. In chapters 4 through 9 the scale rising tension between the native Indian and white Americans, as stabilization and commercial project extend west toward the Indian territory. The taking off and the lost of heritage that the Sioux struggled as a results of such events as the unfold gold in Montana and the building of the Transcontinental Railroad erupts in the war of Little Bighorn. Black elk's story continues to categorized the votes and the escalating number of the taking off Sioux. U.S. Government combined more and more Indian territory and established Indian agencies and registrations. Meanwhile, black elk's deep sight puzzled him because of the consequences he surrounded by does not seem to allow him to fulfill it. The eleventh chapter, U.S. militia kill the great knight’s crazy horse, who lost a brave one for the Sioux. In 12th chapter, black elk found himself with a small group of his people in virtual exile in Canada, trying to avoid the inevitable reservation life. Anxiety of black elk in chapters 13 through 18 increasing about hypothesis of his role as glorified holy man. Also described in these chapters the action of the public initiation (the horse dance ceremony) that allows black elk to form his story