Imagine living in a world where hatred, discrimination, sexism, or racism didn’t exist. If only, right? This world is so culturally, ethnically, and spiritually diverse. Though the diversity is evident and so prominent human beings have created a system of sticking together with their own kind. There is this tendency human beings have of wanting to be accepted, yet separated. People will accept you into their circles if your interests, desires, goals, and ambitions are the same as theirs. However, what happens when there is a conflict of interest and your beliefs are different than the person standing in front of you? There becomes this division, and suddenly you are the anomaly that doesn’t belong. Instead of learning to accept …show more content…
Three individuals came together when perpetrator George Zimmerman was acquitted after the murder of Trayvon Martin. These individuals recognized the social injustice, decided to take a stand for those who didn’t have a voice. One of the Community activists, Garza, wrote a heartfelt appeal on Facebook with the words “black lives matter” and the principles conveyed resonated coast-to-coast. At first, the Black Lives Matter movement addressed and demanded change concerning the violence permitted by the state and racism that was being projected onto African Americans through the Police. The founders saw a need and realized the only way to make a change was through unity and a shared passion of justice for people in their community. The motivation and passion that continues to drive everyone involved in this movement stem from the widespread and intentional brutality imposed on African Americans by the state. This movement began in 2013 and since then they have created communities committed to struggling together and striving to make their community a world free of …show more content…
Many people have fallen victim to police brutality due to racism. How is it that these officers get away with the infliction they are causing without any repercussions? It’s evident that there is a very corrupt system in place that is not set up for the well being of every citizen. At the end of the day, it is a very scary thing knowing there is power in the hands of people who are more than willing to abuse it. Of course, not every police officer is corrupt. A lot of these officers really do join the force for the sole purpose of protecting those who cannot protect themselves. However, when people are given power, more likely than not, it will be abused especially if they are willing to exercise it