Submitted to: Christy Tan-Constantino
Assigned Class: English 1 Communication Arts 1 MWF 4:30-5:30
A. Objectives
With the provided statements and tags from the book, the students will be able to:
1. To know what is a positive and negative statement. 2. To know what is a positive and negative tag. 3. To use the correct tag questions that is grammatically appropriate to statements with different forms of verbs. 4. To listen to a conversation with tag questions. 5. To practice constructing tag questions.
B. Subject Matter
Tag/Tag Questions
Target: Grammar and Listening Skills
Reference Material: English 1 Communication Arts 1 (pp. 141-142) By Anita Jueco Rosal, D.A.L.T. Carangue Printing Corporation
C. Learning Activties
1. Motivation
The teacher shall let the students listen to a short audio clip of conversation that consists of a lot of tag questions. Then, the teacher shall ask the class of what may be their topic with more questions using tags until the students notice the repeated tag question forms.
2. Presentation and Discussion
The teacher shall first discuss what positive and negative statements are, as well as positive and negative tags. The sentences on page 141-142 shall be explained by the teacher regarding on how to construct tags of positive and negative statements with their verbs- different forms of verbs.
3. Practice Activity
a. The students shall be tasked to work in pair. The students shall create their own conversation containing of at least 5 tag questions that will be presented in front. Each pair will be allotted 15 minutes to make their own script and practice their conversation. Each presentation shall only last for 2 minutes.
b. The whole class shall make a part of grading their