SUBJECT: Class 14-014 ABOLC-B/AWOBC End of Course After Action Review
1. The purpose of this memorandum is to illustrate the positive and negative aspects of training experienced during the course in a standard format. The AAR is broken into Issue, Discussion and Recommendations.
2. ISSUE: History Classes
a. DISCUSSION: The classroom portion of the history lesson was far less educating than the aviation museum part. The classroom portion mostly talked about “What is professionalism” and didn’t go a whole lot into history. Furthermore the museum lesson was cut short due to it only being a half days lesson instead of a full one.
b. RECOMMENDATION: Cut out the class room portion of the history course and extend the museum tour to a full day. This way it is more educating and beneficial for the entire class.
3. ISSUE: Student Lead Physical Fitness
a. DISCUSSION: Allowing the students to come up with the Physical Fitness program for the BOLC was greatly beneficial. It allowed new workouts to be implemented and for us to strive away from the usual pushup/sit-up routine.
b. RECOMMENDATION: Keep this as part of the course. It might help to add a little more direction though to make sure students are not running or working legs every day.
3. ISSUE: Teaching and Testing
a. DISCUSSION: The way the material was taught in this course was easy to understand and helped you grasp the concepts behind the topics rather than just memorize definitions. The tests helped to reinforce that with questions that made you think about the content and come up with an answer instead of just blanket book questions.
b. RECOMMENDATION: Keep this as part of the course as well. It was an excellent way to learn the topics and devote them to memory. 4. The point of contact for this memorandum is the