For starters blima was based on a true story with events mostly all of the elder people from this generation from Europe can relate to.in 1936 Europe was having an economics depression and was looking for a leader that’s when Hitler stepped and was going to be the voice for all Germans. His action affected families like blima’s and truck fear through millions heart.blima is telling a story about her mother who experienced the holocaust. Though she can’t fully relate to her mom the more she tells her story the closer she feels to her mother. Her mother was one of many that died.
Once the camps began blimas by train to the camp. Lima s hair was shaved like a cancer patient sad to say. She seen a girl she went to school with and they began to get cool. The only food that was available was watered down soup and stalled bread and this only to make the Jews look as if they were healthy so they can work in the camps instead of being sent to death. Family members such as her sister Adele really sadden her that she would no longer see them again. When reading I thought maybe blima wouldn’t have trouble working at the camp being that she had experience working in her aunt’s bakery.
It was so unexpected once the Nazi’s kidnapped her you she heard stories but never really thought it could happen to her this would be the last time she seen her mother. As I was reading I thought her in Clara would try to stick together in the Nazi camp. After their hair was shaved her clothes was changed to white bloss and a black skirt.
As labored camp began I thought she would be one of the strongest there being that she was use to hard work. She was taken to factory work at 4am.but being smart she would rather work than be in the gas chamber at least this would extend there lifeline