Dann Ervin Tolentino
Fhatie Sawadjaan
Professor Nikolo MC Panganoron
Cultural Anthropology
March 19, 2015
Blissful Ignorance: Grasping the Filipino Psyche on the Matters of Religion
“Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise” (Wikipedia 2015). This was a phrase from an English poet named Thomas Gray. He was reflecting with nostalgia on a time when he was a kid where he was allowed to be ignorant. I 'd like to use that phrase to illustrate what it 's like to live a happier life when you 're oblivious. It 's better to not know the facts, however horrible it may be, and just have obscure faith. When you 're a kid, you are allowed to not know things for the better because the realities of the world, then and now, can “corrupt” the mind of the innocent child. That means the adults would like the kids to be stupid for a while because they are powerless and helpless to the truth of their circumstance.
Max Horkheimer said that critical theory seeks “to liberate human beings from the circumstances that enslave them” (Wikipedia 2015). I 'd like to say that the circumstance that enslave the world today would be that thing called “Religion”. Religion is a powerful force that can control billions of people and make them do something that they won 't do otherwise. The other side would argue that why would atheists waste time on disproving religion if they don 't believe in it in the first place. Why can 't they just let the believers believe what they want to believe? My answer would be that people now use “Religion” or their “God” as a reason to kill and terrorize. And another thing would be that for something to be disproved, first it must be proved. Who on earth can really prove that “God” exists and supplant it with facts? One could say that it is the root of all evil. That anything good that comes out of it can be gotten without the mumbo-jumbo and the bad that comes out of it supersedes everything else because it deals with the loss of life
Bibliography: BBC. 2015. “Why do some Catholics self-flagellate?”, Accessed March 14. http://www.gov.ph/2014/09/10/q-and-a-the-draft-bangsamoro-basic-law/ Horkheimer, Max 1974 (Originally 1941) Hufftingtonpost. 2015. “An Atheist 's Perspective on the Rise of Christian Transhumanism” Last modified on March 6. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/zoltan-istvan/an-atheists-perspective-o_b_6802140.html? ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000592 Mörth Ingo, 1979 PSA. 2015. “Philippines in Figures: 2014”, Accessed March 12.