This form of regulation incorporates the stimulation of the heart and vasomotor which controls the peripheral vasoconstriction. The main form of vasoconstriction involved in neural regulation is norepinephrine (Martini, Ober, & Nath, 2015). It’s important to recognize that the …show more content…
The endocrine mechanism that is involved in the blood pressure homeostasis incorporate long term mechanisms, as a result of an increase in blood volume and pressure. In relation to the endocrine response to a lowered blood pressure, the long term mechanism incorporates the release of hormones such as antidiuretic hormone, angiotensin 2, erythropoietin and aldosterone in attempt to increase blood pressure. The kidneys release renin as a reaction to the decreased renal blood pressure and volume (Martini, Ober, & Nath, 2015). This response results in the activation of angiotensin 1, which is converted in the lung capillaries to angiotensin 2 by angiotensin converting enzyme assisting in the control of blood pressure. Erythropoietin is also released if blood pressure or oxygen saturation is decreased. These hormones result in vasoconstriction and increased cardiac output, returning the blood pressure back to its normal range. The short term mechanism of the endocrine response to a lowered blood pressure involves the sympathetic activation and release of epinephrine and norepinephrine which are adrenal hormones that act to increase cardiovascular activity through vasoconstriction and increased cardiac