This raise in blood sugar is caused either by the pancreas not providing enough insulin or due to the cells not responding to the insulin produced. (called insulin resistance). Tip - Exercising improves insulin sensitivity and reduces resistance.
About 3.8 million people in the UK have diabetes, but the charity Diabetes U.K. have made predictions that that could become high as 6.2 million by 2035/2036.
These figures do not include the many people who often go undiagnosed. Its been suggested that including these undiagnosed people would treble the total figure. It's a can of worms the NHS don't want to open as the costs could be huge.
Silent Killer
There are not many symptoms of having diabetes and people are often "picked up" as having it …show more content…
It can be done for free by the nurse at the surgery.
You can also do it at home, but you will need a glucose meter or a self test kit.
The reading will tell you two things, what your "fasted" blood sugar actually is and if it's normal or if there is any reason to see a GP. A GP will usually do at least two more tests to confirm that you have either pre-diabetes or diabetes.
There are three main types of diabetes, type 1, type 2 and the third is called gestational diabetes (during pregnancy).
This post is mostly related to people who suffer from type 2 diabetes or DIET controlled diabetes as it is often called.
People who suffer from type 2 diabetes do so because their cells fail to respond and use insulin properly, known as insulin resistance.
Type 2 diabetes is the most common form and around 90% of diabetes sufferers in the UK have type two diabetes. Obese people often suffer from type 2.
We are told by GP's, health practitioners, government dieticians and many other people 'in the know', not to do certain things, so we listen and do what they