“American Culinary Icon & Celebrity Chef”
Written by: Briana Alexander and Trevon Williams
Bobby Flay, born Robert William Flay, is the epitome of a celebrity chef. Owning nearly 20 restaurants, starring in tons of television shows, releasing cook books and extending his renowned brand name to kitchen merchandise, Flay has truly become a staple in America’s culinary culture. The 48 year old French Culinary Institute graduate is a master chef specializing in Southwestern cuisine and anything involving a grill. He possesses an unrelenting entrepreneurial spirit considering his vast amount of locations and literature dedicated to his passion: cooking. He rapidly spread his unique flavor by opening a plethora of restaurants across the east coast, not to mention the highly esteemed Mesa Grill in Las Vegas and The Bahamas.
Flay gained national attention after his appearance on the television show Iron Chef. His restaurants achieved great success largely because of the superb quality of their cuisine. While he is certainly held as an icon in the restaurant industry, Flay is also a major figure in the field of hospitality due to his reputation for top notch cuisine in all of his restaurants. His name is synonymous with high quality dishes. He has several restaurants located inside of big name casinos, prime location for any business owner but especially so for one with such prestige and publicity. The combination of his television press and exquisite niche for Southwestern cuisine has proven to be a very successful mix for this internationally renowned chef.
Flay was born in New York City from two Irish parents. He dropped out of school at 17 years old, but not to specifically become a chef. He is always had a knack for quality cuisine, but his skills were put to the test when his father summoned him to work in the Joe Allen restaurant located in New York’s theater district. His father actually managed the restaurant and it just so happened that
Bibliography: "Bobby Flay Biography." Bio.com. A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2013. <http://www.biography.com/people/bobby-flay-578278?page=2>. "Bobby Flay." NYTimes.com. New York Times, n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2013. <http://www.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/f/bobby_flay/>. Varolli, Regina. "Bobby Flay Talks Career, Passion, and Food Network Stardom." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 31 July 2011. Web. 05 Apr. 2013. <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/regina-varolli/bobby-flay-talks-career-p_b_912082.html>.