Abominable—thoroughly unpleasant or disagreeable
Abscond—leave hurriedly and secretly, typically to avoid detection or arrest.
Affable— 1. easy and pleasant to speak to; approachable. 2. gentle and gracious.
Alexithymia— inability to describe emotions in a verbal manner animadversion— strong criticism; a critical or censorious remark annihilate— 1. to destroy completely; to reduce to nonexistence; to defeat decisively; vanquish. 2. to nullify or render void; abolish. apposite (AP-ah-zit) — strikingly appropriate and relevant
Beautiful to say, and self-descriptive. apricity (AP-ris-i-tee) — the warmth of the sun in the winter.
archipelago (ar-kah-PEL-ah-go) — 1. a large group of islands. 2. a sea, such as the Aegean, containing a large number of scattered islands
The pronunciation has a whimsical tone to it that makes me love saying it. argent (AR-jent) — 1. a metal tincture used in heraldry to give a silvery appearance. 2. Silver or something resembling it.
It's just a beautiful way of saying that something is silver. Argent is so much more satisfying than silver, which has that sneaky, sibilant si sound in the beginning. armamentarium (ar-mah-men-TAR-ee-um) — 1. the complete equipment of a physician or medical institution, including books, supplies, and instruments. 2. the complete range of materials available or used for a task
assuage (ah-SWAJ) — 1. to make (something burdensome or painful) less intense or severe. 2. to satisfy or appease (hunger or thirst, for example). 3. to pacify or calm
It sounds so cool...., and how it's spelt looks awesome for how it sounds. just everything about it and its meaning. also "epiphany" is one of the best words as well so good you have it :) asthenic (as-THEN-ik) — extremely thin or wasted
ataraxia (at-ah-RAK-see-ah) — calmness or peace of mind; emotional tranquility.
I love it because it sounds intriguing. atavistic (at-ah-VIS-tik) — of, pertaining to, or characterized by atavism;