Novea McIntosh, Ed.D.
EDT 340_02
Journal 9 I attended my lab on 04/07/2017, Friday from 8:00 to 11:00 am, in the Jets room (3 to 5 years old) in the Bombeck Learning Family Center. In this lab, I played with a group of children when they were representing different characters. The children represented the Zompies character, and one boy came to me and said, “I will eat your hart”. Also, they played Ninga and they hide their faces. I helped the teachers to organize the classroom, and sat with the larger group when they play. I tried to help the children when they had conflicts with other peers and give them simple and clear instructions. In addition, I did a lesson plan to the children and they have to manipulate their hand by using clay to create their first letters, and I think they had interest with it. …show more content…
For example, the first step in the post was wash your hand, and then, sign in. Third, check your job, and finally, find work. Therefore, the teacher in this activity achieved the OSTP standard, which is (5.3) that says, “Teachers motivate students to work productively and assume responsibility for their own learning”. Moreover, I observed that the teachers gave the children clear rules during the day such as the teachers reminded the children to respect and say sorry when they make a mistake to other peers. Also, the teachers remind them to clean their place when they done their works. In this case, the teachers successfully achieved the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession, which is (6.1) that says, “Teachers communicate clearly and