The Inner Game of Selling by Ron Willingham is a book that takes the idea of selling and looks at it from an entirely different perspective that what most people are used to. In fact the author expresses the idea that most of what is taught in college about how to sell is wrong. Ron alludes to the reader that selling techniques such as selling ploys, overcoming objection techniques, nail-downs, tie-downs, etc. are scaring customers away. Ron discusses that he believes selling is controlled more by an inner state of mind than by popular selling techniques that are usually taught. This idea aligns with Henry Ford’s popular quote, “Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right. Furthermore, the author explains how the power of optimism and detailed diligence can assist any person in defeating obstacles and achieving his or her goals.
The first half of the book helps the reader to better understand his or her inner state of mind. Moreover, the author gives the reader insight on how to change the inner state of mind so that it’s at an optimal level. Ron Willingham explains that one can improve their selling success by the common, extrinsically learned techniques. However, the salesperson will eventually hit a wall that will not allow him or her to grow further. Ron describes that it is only through mastering ones inner values and beliefs that will allow continually grow.
The last half of the book delves into the specifics of selling to a customer. Ron’s unusual techniques are taught with the help of guides, charts, and numerical rules to go by in order to sell more successfully. Furthermore, the author explains how to be more, creative in selling, customer focused, and energetic. Next, Ron explains how to accept failure and stay more in control of your emotions. He says mastering optimism is the key to staying in control. The author also touches on how to improve social