1. “AIDAS” Theory: Where A stands for Attention
I stand for Interest
D stand for Desire
A stand for Action
S stand for Satisfaction
2. Right set of circumstances:
This theory is similar to that of situation response theory. I.e. salesperson must secure attention, gain interest, present and get desired response. It depends upon the skills the salesperson utilizes to a set of circumstances for predictable response.
Sales personnel try to apply this theory; although they experience difficulties in many rightful selling situations as it cannot be manipulated. The set of circumstances includes external and internal factors which the salesperson tries to create favourable for getting desired response from a given situation.
This theory is known as seller-oriented theory.
3.“Buying Formula” theory of selling: This theory is known as Buyer-oriented theory .It looks out at buyer’s side i.e. needs and expectation . The theory supports the thinking process that goes on in prospect’s mind that causes decision to buy/not to buy.
Buying Formula
Need (problem) solution purchase .
Since, purchase results in continuous relationship between buying and selling. So a fourth element must be preset.
Need (problem) solution purchase satisfaction.
When need is felt solution may involve two components.
Need (problem) solution purchase satisfn/dissatisfn.
To ensure purchase the component “trade name” must be considered adequate & buyer must experience pleasant feeling.
Need/problem product & services and Trade name Purchase satisfaction
Pleasant feeling
4. “BEHAVIORAL EQUATION”THEORY: Using Stimuli-Response Model, this theory has developed. Four essentials elements required in learning process to explain buying behavior and purchasing decision process.
• Drives: a strong internal stimuli that impel the buyer’s response –i)Innate drive (psychological) -ii)learned drive (status/social)
• Cues: weak stimuli when