The chosen business is Audi which there the Customers demands a high quality service which means before sale of the car, the actual process in the sale, and after sale service this helps the company retain their client. In this report you’ll see the writer has use some underpinning theories such as the Servqual Model, and Loyalty Ladder.
Audi in some way is able to cater to different types of clientele the reason for that is once your branded with them you tend to see the same people coming back which then shows good customer service these people can be known as a client for example if I were to buy one of these cars every 2 years it would mean I’m a repeated client Audi would have a sure profit off of me because I come back every 2 years for a new car. At Audi car rages differently such as the R8 Audi sports model with this when selling such a high quality product Employees must be trained to deal with the type of customers coming in to the show room like that car is seen as a status automobile , employees must be able to sell the brand giving the customer a feeling of content the employees that work for this company often have a nice salary and good benefits these demands are expected from the employee and is delivered by the company the employees here are seen as a Partner they are the brand .
The customers has expectations which then gives them a perception of the company most consumers needs for this company is a high perception of the company when you hear Audi you think one time durability, power, quality and that is what the consumer expects. For example if someone steps into an a Audi car dealership show room the thing they need from the company itself is good customer service they need to feel a part of the sale step by step in addition to that the car has a luxurious feel to it.