Boris Johnson's choice of content does not appeal to the general population of London but a select group of individuals within the conservative party. Boris Johnson delivered the speech thinking that it would only be heard by the attendees of the Centre for Policy Studies a neoliberal think-tank. However due to the controversial contents of his speech, he is now facing the dilemma of losing supporters.
Boris' ideas are in a way similar to Margaret Thatcher's. However the way he presents these ideas will put off many people listening to his speech. Margaret Thatcher promoted the thought of individuals working towards their own wealth rather than living off socialism. However in Boris uses the following two quotes:
"a buccaneering environment where there was no shame – quite the reverse – in getting rich.”
“Of the 193 present members of the UN, we have conquered or at least invaded 171 – that is 90 per cent.” The use of the word buccaneering and talking about Britain conquering 90% of the UN makes people feel that Boris is talking about taking from the poor rather than working for one's own wealth. Rather than talking about taking wealth away from others Boris needs on focus on the possibility of creating your own wealth.
"Today, when taxes have been cut substantially, the top one per cent contributes almost 30 per cent of income tax; and indeed the top 0.1 per cent – just 29,000 people – contribute fully 14 per cent of all taxation." "I proposed that we should fete them and decorate them and inaugurate a new class of tax hero, with automatic knighthoods for the top ten per cent."
Boris in his speech thanks the super rich individuals of Britain for paying taxes. He even goes as far as saying that they deserve knighthood if they are in the top ten percent. This is a very shallow statement and shows that he thinks that one`s value added to society is equal only to how much money they have.
Boris from this statement