Probably, the greatest challenge that we would face in causing change is the atomization and specialization of multiple industries and sectors. This is because, as stated in the book, as we progress in our times, it became harder and harder to connect to people when it comes to helping due to the multiple sectors and industries needed just to provide the necessary things needed by the people. An example given is how a woman with a sick son may have a hard time getting help due to the specialization of labor; she would need to see different doctors with different specializations that would exhaust and stress her. Help is scattered due to many specializations and distinctions that solving social problems become harder. As social entrepreneurs however, it is our job to connect all of the different sectors so that when we provide the things needed by the people as social entrepreneurs, we would be able to deliver immediately without missing …show more content…
Yes, there may be difficulties along the way but let us use these along with the failures as opportunities into making a better solution within the world. As what Niccolo Machiavelli has said, “There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.” I believe that each and every Social Entrepreneurs and those aspiring to be one can create a new order of things by breaking the status quo and being the Game Changers that they set out to be no matter how uncertain or difficult it is because they have the qualities, the passion, the determination and the perseverance to create an impact in our world that would change the lives of countless