The second plateau is Springfield Plateau which is adjacent to and north to the Boston Plateau. This …show more content…
This plateau is separated from it by an abrupt drop and is north and east of the Springfield Plateau. Salem has the same elevation as the Springfield which is 1, 500. Several areas of hills have been cut into the plateau by rivers along the White River and its tributaries. Salem is often underlined by dolomite or dolostone which is similar to limestone. Limestone dissolves and dolostone doesn’t. Caves are present in the plateau such as the one at Mammoth Spring in Fulton …show more content…
One unique quality about this flower is that the buttercup has a shiny polished look due to an additional layer of cells just beneath the surface of their petals. The flowers can be found throughout the world, but are most common in the cold temperatures regions in the Northern and some of the Southern hemisphere. You can find these flowers on roadsides, fields, and moist woods and meadows. If any of the plant gets ingested within hours can cause death. The buttercup family is common and secure globally.
Wild Onion, Prairie Onion (Allium Stellatum) is a pink flower that comes in the late summer and fall (July-August). They are located in the northern counties of the Ozark Region. These flowers can be found in their natural habitat in the sun, dry fields, prairies, or rocky area. Their life cycle is perennial. Death Camas (Zigadenus Zuttallii) is white flowers that come in around April and May. These flowers are located and have been collected primarily from the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains. Little River and Seiver counties are the recorded range. Death Camas is similar to the Fly Posion flowers, but the pedicles are longer than the flowers.
Blackberry Lily (Belamcanda Chinensis) are flat, symmetrical, orange flower with reddish or crimson spots on the “petals”. Even though the flower is lilylike, this plant is in the Iris Family. These flowers only have three stamens and lilies have