In this paper , a method of detecting the faulty bottles in process industry is proposed. Here we analyse the simulaton study of one programmable logic controller (PLC) based control system by building up a program using ladder diagram and different adressing modes of SIEMENS PLC. This paper also presents comprehensive simulation of the performance of the different sensors used for sensing the faulty bottles in the moving conveyer belt monitored by PLC. The outputs can also be observed in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) window.
The adopted simulation strategy asures a low cost, more reliable, increased flexibility and faster response.
Proximity sensor, scanner, stepper motor, conveyer belt, ladder diagram, PLC, SCADA.
I. INTRODUCTION In industrial purpose there is a recognized hierarchy of damage control measures based on the priciple that loss of production needs to be reduced to an acceptable level by enginnering means. Automation is the use of control systems and information technology to reduce the need for human work in the production of goods and services. In the scope of industrialization, automation is a step beyond mechanization. Whereas mechanization provides human operator with machinery to assist them with the muscular requirements of work, automation greatly decrease the need for human sensory and mental requirements. In filling industry faulty bottle detection routine is a imperative part being done by several discrete mechanisms working in harmony. It is a endowment of automation [1]-[8] that we can think about this process. So, in the industry the whole system is done by many separate machines like faulty bottle detection system, filling machine, capping machine, labelling process etc. Here the focal argument issue is about detecting the faulty bottle before entering into the main plant. We have used PLC which allows us using implying delay, timers, and counters. II. WORKING PRINCIPLE The main