The Boxer Rebellion soul purpose was to liberate China from foreign influence. Foreign capitalists dictated corrupt government officials and controlled leading industrial parts of Northern China. Chinese overseers were upset over this issue and contemplated for a solution. A revolt was the key and the outcome of the Boxer Rebellion was disastrous for China and its dynasty. Countless officials were executed, extensive payments had to be made and in addition, foreign troops were stationed in China as the dynasty lost its control. To this extent, the Boxer Rebellion was a failure in its aftermath, although successful in its unification.
During the 1890's, the Chinese people felt that foreigners not only had brought commercial and territorial demands but also had corroded the Chinese culture. Educated Chinese felt that foreigners humiliated China and they resented even the lowliest European clerk. China then was bombarded with European religion, science, and art from the Jesuit missionaries. As time passed, the power of China grew weaker because successive emperors failed to bring China into the modern world.
The Boxer Uprising of 1899-1900 was a turning point in China's history. Economic hardship, anti-foreign feeling, widespread belief in superstition by the uneducated lower class fueled this peasant rebellion. The Empress Dowager publicly opposed the Boxers, but her ministers convinced her to join forces in order to drive foreigners from China. In the early months of 1900, thousands of Boxers roamed the countryside, attacking Christians. When an