Zimbabwe is a beautiful country located south in Africa. In Zimbabwe there are two tribes which speak two languages Shona or Ndebele. Overall the main language is English.
The current leader of Zimbabwe is President Robert Mugabe and the Prime Minister is Morgan Tsvangirai, the vice president is Joyce Mujuru. The government system in Zimbabwe is based on the upper house which is the senate, and the lower house which is the House of Assembly. The main religion in Zimbabwe is Christianity and Catholic. The Population of Zimbabwe is 13.72 million since 2012. The main industries in Zimbabwe are Agriculture and mining.Mining. Mining provides jobs for only around 5% of the workforce, but the sector brings in a third of the country’s export earnings. Gold, platinum and other metal alloys are mined, as well as coal which is used to produce electricity. Agriculture, The agricultural industry is a key sector for Zimbabwe’s economy. The main exports are tobacco, cotton and sugar, platinum, gold and ferroalloys to these countries especially to China, South Africa, DR Congo, Botswana and Italy. And the main imports are machinery and transport equipment, chemicals, fuels and other manufactures from South Africa and China.
Zimbabwe is a land locked country. It has a number of interesting physical features such as the Eastern Highlands, the Limpopo River, the Zambezi River, and the Mana pool national park, the Central plateau, the Matobo national park and the Western Zimbabwe among others.
And the countries that are neighboring it are shown on the map.
Maize, tobacco and cotton are the most grown crops in Zimbabwe. They are grown everywhere in farms.
Similar to its history, Zimbabwe food also has different shades of color and flavor. With the advent of European colonies, the country has adopted a heterogeneity in its culture, rituals, lifestyle, and food. Some of the popular Zimbabwe Food Recipes are Salted Groundnuts, Corn meal with pumpkin, and
Bibliography: the zimbabwean. (2013, september 2). Retrieved from farming tips: http://www.thezimbabwean.co/business/agriculture/64656/farming-tips.html zimbabwe. (2013, september 2). Retrieved from food in every country : http://www.foodbycountry.com/Spain-to-Zimbabwe-Cumulative-Index/Zimbabwe.html zimbabwe. (2013, august 29). Retrieved from wikiedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zimbabwe zimbabwean flag. (2013, august 27). Retrieved from google images: http://www.google.com.au/search?q=zimbabwe&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&biw=1600&bih=782&bvm=pv.xjs.s.en_US.jkEW54nYU50.O&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=usItUqrNKMW1iAeeoIHgDw#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=UBVaPTo81Pvl7M%3A%3B1SGvMQMLWh4iBM%3Bhttp%25