Workflow refers to the automation of processes, such as ERP, CRM, and HR, as well as linking of processes. Yet, faced with enterprises that continue to expend, if these systems are not integrated, these systems will become information island. A study focused on senior level IT executives has discovered that system integration and process has become the first major task of IT departments, ranking ahead of CRM, lowering expenses, and e-commerce. But respond to this new international trend, BPM is the new generation technology.
Business Process Management (BPM) technology integrates technologies from Enterprise
Application Integration (EAI) and Business-to-Business Integration (B2Bi) and uses a Web-based standard as its basic architecture that supports integration between people to people, people and system, and people and process. BPM technology can integrate, control, automate, and optimize processes both inside and outside of the enterprise that were originally not connected. This enables enterprises to gather information from various distributed systems and establish various key business performance indicators, as well as monitoring and reporting, to more effectively management business resources and processes through the use of these indicators.
What is a Business Process?
A business process is a sequence of one or more related, structured activities that has a clearly stated objective and a deliverable or outcome. A business process is defined as "A set of one or more linked procedures or activities which collectively realize a business objective or policy goal, normally within the context of an organizational structure defining functional roles and relationships."
Business Process Diagram (BPD)
Business processes are generally depicted diagrammatically, in a graphic form called a business process diagram (BPD). A BPD is actually a process diagram drawn using a business process designer. It is based on a