Adopted Reference Style APA
1.1 Handbook/s
For full details of programs and school procedures, please refer to the University of Ballarat handbook ( ) and The Business School Programs Handbooks available at
Important information located in the handbook includes: * * Student responsibility * Special Consideration process and forms * Submission of tasks and assignments * Appeal process * Unsatisfactory progress - Early Intervention * Grading codes
1.2 Staff
The most appropriate contact is your teacher. If necessary they will contact the Course Coordinator at the University of Ballarat.
| Coordinator | Lecturer | Tutor | Name: | Caroline Wilden | Caroline Wilden | Caroline Wilden | Phone: | 5327 9497 | Craig Hurley | Craig Hurley | Fax: | | Tel: 5335 3717….. | | Email: | |…… | | Office: | | | | Web: | | | |
1.3 Consultation Hours Caroline Wilden Day: Tuesday Time: 3.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Day: Wednesday Time: 10.00 a.m. to 12 noon And other times by appointment Craig Hurley (Topic 1 - Sustainability) Day: Thursday Time: 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. And other times by appointment
1.4 Prescribed Text
This course will be conducted on the presumption that students have a copy of:
Grace, D & Cohen, C (2010). Business Ethics (4th ed.). South