During reality check at Bradford I learn a lot about handling money and the meaning of it. I had a fake life where I made a steady income of $7,000.00 a month and had to spend that through out a variety of things including housing, a car, clothes, food, gas, and child support. Also I wanted to plan a budget where I could have extra money for extra things including money to go to the movies or buy a television in my home. I did not have any kids living with me at home so I did not have to worry about daycare, but I did have to plan so that I would have money to pay around $300.00 in child support. I started off by going to the essentials like a home and paying my bills. As I was walking around talking to other people I
realized that they did not plan correctly and ended up having to go and get an extra job. My favorite part of reality check was the fact that you got to decide how to budget and if you did not do so correctly you would pay the consequences. I liked the life that I got and I believe I did a good job at budgeting. What I did not like about reality check was that everything was so random and the lines were long at each station. Also I didn’t like that we had to go to Bradford, it would have been better if we were with more of our classmates at Indian Trail. The overall experience of this field trip was amazing. I believe it taught everyone who attended how to manage money and how to spend there money efficiently and correctly.