Prefrontal Cortex
(or Frontal Lobe) “relating to the forehead”
“hull, husk, pod”
(Chudler, n. d.)
Controls executive functions such as judgment, managing emotional characteristics, voluntary movement, reasoning, memory, and language skills (Kahn, 2012)
Temporal Lobe
“temples of the head” “hull, husk, pod”
(Chudler, n. d.)
Manages hearing, speech, and auditory functions (Kahn, 2012)
Occipital Lobe “back of the head” “hull, husk, pod” (Chudler, n. d.)
Processes data from the eyes (PBS, 2002)
Parietal Lobe “wall” “hull, husk, pod”
(Chudler, n. d.)
Receives sensory information from the skin (PBS, 2002)
Limbic Region “border, hem, or fringe” (Chudler, n. d.) Home of emotions and “regulates temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar” (PBS, 2002)
“little brain” (Chudler, n. d.)
“Controls posture, balance, and coordination” and stores “learned, physical skills” (PBS, 2002)
“almond” (Chudler, n. d.)
“Plays a critical role in learning, cognition, and the processing of emotional memories” (Jensen, 2005, p. 159)
“sea-horse” (Chudler, n. d.)
Integrates sensory information and plays a critical role in memory functions (Jensen, 2005)
“inner chamber” (Chudler, n. d.)
Sorts and transmits sensory data to the cerebral cortex and also aids in making memories (PBS, 2002)
“under thalamus” (Chudler, n. d.)
“Influences and regulates appetite, hormone secretion, digestion, sexuality, circulation, emotions, and sleep” (Jensen, 2005, p. 161
Corpus Callosum “hard, tough body” (Chudler, n. d.)
Connects the left and right hemisphere and carries messages between them (PBS, 2002)
“bark”, “shell,” “outer layer”
(Chudler, n. d.)
Functions are determined by the lobes such as temporal, occipital, frontal, and parietal lobes (Society for Neuroscience,
References: Jensen, E. (2005). Teaching with the brain in mind (2nd Ed.). Alexandria, VA: ASCD ISBN: 978-1416600305 Khan, S. (2012). Diagram of the brain and its functions. Retrieved from