Prosencephalon (forebrain) - becomes telencephalon (endbrain) and diencephalon (interbrain)
Mesencephalon (midbrain) - remains undividedd
Rhombencephalon (hindbrain) - becomes metencephalon (afterbrain) and myelencephalon (spinal brain)
2. What is the advantage of having a cerebrum that is highly convoluted? What term is used to indicate its crooves? Its outward folds? What groove divides the crebrum into two hemispheres? What divides the parietal from the frontal lobe? The parietal from the temporal lobe?
Convoluted cerebrum allows more neurons to occupy the limited space ridges are called gyri shallow grooves are called sulci and deeper grooves are called fissures …show more content…
What is the function of the basal nuclei? What basal nuclei form the lentiform nucleus? Which arches over the diencephalon?
Function - receive input from entire cerebral cortex, other subcortical nuclei, and each other; influences muscle movements and motor control; play a part in cognition and attention; starting, stopping, and monitoring the intensity of movements executed by the cortex, especially those that are relatively or stereotyped; inhibit antagonistic or unnecessary movements; input necessary for performing several activities at once putamen and globus pallidus form lentiform nucleus caudate nucleus arches over diencephalon
4. Describe the role of the cerebellum in maintaining smooth, coordinated skeletal muscle