The romantic fantasy film directed by Bill Condon and based on the novel Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer. The first part of a two-part film forms the fourth installment in The Twilight Saga series. In The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1, Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward , plus those they love, must deal with the chain of consequences brought on by a marriage, honeymoon, and the tumultuous birth of a child...which brings an unforeseen and shocking development for Jacob Black. I think the sounds in this film were saved and reused. The sounds did fit the scenes but it did sound like I have heard them before. The film starts out as Bella Swan plans her wedding with the Cullen family. Before the wedding, Edward Cullen tells Bella that he has murdered people in the past. Undaunted by this, Bella and Edward go ahead with the wedding. During the reception following her wedding to Edward, Bella is visited by her friend Jacob Black. When Bella admits that she and Edward plan to consummate their marriage during their honeymoon, Jacob becomes angry but is held back by his pack. He then runs off into the woods, and Edward takes an upset Bella back to the reception. The couple spends their honeymoon on the Cullens' private Brazilian island. Although hesitant, Edward has sex with Bella for the first time. After, Edward realizes that he bruised Bella's arm, back and shoulders during sex and he vows to never be intimate with her again, much to her disappointment; he later gives in to her seductions. Two weeks into their honeymoon, Bella discovers that she is pregnant with a baby growing at an extraordinarily accelerated rate. After consulting with Carlisle, they rush back to Forks. Bella refuses to consider having an abortion, and enlists Rosalie's help to protect her wishes.
Opposed to Sam Uley's plans to kill Bella and her child, which is thought to be a demon, Jacob angrily leaves his pack and arrives at the Cullens' to protect Bella; Seth and