Tina Taylor
Art 101: Art Appreciation
Marc McGrath
May 7, 2012
Architecture of Bramante Architecture in the fifteenth century resembles the effects that were brought on during the Renaissance years. In this time, every major city and town was known for a specific type of architecture. In the High Renaissance the focus of architecture moved physically from Florence to Rome and Venice, while its aesthetic objectives became the search for an all-encompassing spatial experience. The three major architects of the century were Donato Bramante, Michelangelo, and Andrea Palladio. Bramante expanded on the Quattrocentro idea of self-awareness, which he transformed into a perception of one 's position in a complex by response to mass and volume. Positive-Negative Space: The perception of space in architecture at the end of the fifteenth century, especially in Leonardo and Bramante, in which space was treated not merely as a vacuum but as an almost tangible positive force in architecture. Here we will review some of Bramante’s works and learn about him as well.
Bramante was born in 1444 and died in 1514. He was an Italian High Renaissance architect and artist. Bramante was inspired by classical designs and by the work of Leonardo da Vinci; he was employed by Pope Julius II in rebuilding part of the Vatican and St Peter 's in Rome. The circular Tempietto of San Pietro in Montorio, Rome is possibly his most important completed work. Bramante was apprenticed to Fra Bartolommeo as a painter, and worked in Milan from about 1480 to 1499, when he moved to Rome. He first appeared as an architect in Milan in 1485.
Bramante’s most well-known work is the Tempietto of San Pietro. Tempietto is an architectural style consistent with the humanistic values of the day and what Bramante was best at (Kleiner, 2010). On Janiculum hill overlooking the Vatican, sits a small gem known as Tempietto. This building received this name because it looks like a small
References: Catt, K. (2012). Donato Bramante [Data file]. Retrieved from http://www.personal.psu.edu/mrp5074/donato%20Bramante.html Churches of Rome Wiki. (2012). Santa Maria della Pace [Data file]. Retrieved from http://romanchurches.wikia.com/wiki/Santa_Maria_della_Pace Kleiner, F. S. (2010). Gardner 's Art Through The Ages. USA: Wadsworth CENGAGE Learning Sacred Destinations. (2005). Santa Maria Presso di San Satiro, Milan [Data file]. Retrieved from http://www.sacred-destinations.com/italy/milan-san-satiro.htm Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (2012). Santa Maria delle Grazie (Milan) [Data file]. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Maria_delle_Grazie_(Milan)